Der Erste Tag!

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Hey everyone!

I’ve had an amazing first day yesterday in Deutschland.

My flight went well, and despite being over the weight limit I didn't have to pay. God answered so many prayers like that yesterday! My team-leader picked me up from the airport, he’s called Maddo, and lovely. We went to the village where I’ll be working this year, that’s called Großenaspe. I looked round the church where I’ll be working, and where our office etc is. It’s a lovely old round church, built in the 17th century. Then I came to where I am now, which is Neumünster, where I shall be for the next 3 weeks for Foundational Training(FT). I have heard that I can’t use the internet in this time! So I shall keep blogging on my laptop and will up-load it whenever I can.

My German is surprisingly okay, I understand almost everything that's being said, and I'm already more confident in speaking! :D

I was the first to arrive for FT as it doesn’t start properly till today. There are a few other who arrived throughout the day and it's been great getting to know them over the course of the day! :D

Today I've just been hanging out with people, playing games and been into town for dinner (ie Lunch :P). Later I'm going bowling with my team! :D I'm so excited about that! :D

My Internet connection is a little bit special so I shall leave it there for today! :D

Tracy x