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Hey All,
I'm just over half way through the training seminars for the new Pais year!
My team is a bit different than I expected. There's now Elena, who was also in Großenaspe last year, and Søren, who's new to Pais. 
The seminars are going really well, it's really good to get to know all the others who're severing God and Germany this year, and the time we have together is really blessed. The seminars are all really informative and inspiring and I've got a lot of new ideas that I'm going to try to incorporate into the year!
We have just 1 week left to go, and then next Saturday I'm off back to Großenaspe, where we'll be working this year. We kick off with Vision Week, where we have a week together as a team and think about what our vision for the year is. Then we're away for the weekend with all the youth leaders and then the following Tuesday our work in schools kicks off! So it's all go at the moment, but lots of fun!
The weather is amazing, we're going to the beach tomorrow for our team social, which should be a good day (if I take enough sun lotion with me!)